Saturday, May 18, 2013

New Travel Adventures

It has been months since my last update and here I am months later with news! I contemplated a lot on whether I should continue writing on this blog or start a new one because I have more traveling adventures ahead. I have not made enough time to blog, but since I have a little time before finals arrive, I thought this would be a good time to inform you all that this summer, I will be going to Korea!

Ever since I started working at the study abroad office at my uni, I've learned a lot about all the programs that they offer and the one in S. Korea interested me a lot. I've bonded with the students who work at the office with me as well and so, we all decided to go on the same program together. I'm really looking forward to this! I did not consider going to Korea before, especially after coming back from Europe I've grown really attached to that place, but Korea is different and the program that I'm going through is really cool. 

I will be there for seven weeks. For the first three weeks, I will be doing an internship where I will teach Korean students conversational English. For the last four weeks, I will be taking summer school courses. As said before, I am really looking forward to this since my summers have always been a real bore. I'm excited to endeavor an Asian country, for I have not traveled to Asia before and as an Asian American, I'd like see how it's like living in an Asian-dominated country, which I have not experienced before. I've always been surrounded by a race other than my own (not that it is a bad thing). A real culture shock is about to commence. 

I am looking forward to the internship; I have been thinking of getting a TESOL certificate as a back up just so I will be able to teach English around the world. I want to constantly travel, and having that certificate would be really handy in the future for me. 

Other than that, the reality of going hasn't sunk in yet. It marks officially a month until I leave. School has just been eating up my time this quarter (I am taking 20 units). I will try my best to keep posted! Until next time, I will end with a video that shows you a glimpse of how the program is like!


  1. That's so exciting! I hope you make a lot of posts about your time in South Korea. I'd love to travel somewhere to teach English, but I'm scared to do it alone. How cool that you're doing it with people you already know.

    1. Thank you Whitney! I am going to try and post more frequently than I did my year in the UK. You should definitely try teaching abroad! I am thinking of teaching English out of the country if I have no luck getting a job after my degree, so if you are down I will let you know and maybe we can teach together! :)

  2. I'm so excited for you Linda! People don't think of going to these kinds of countries, but I always here once they do, it's the most rewarding thing ever!

    "I have been thinking of getting a TESOL certificate as a back up just so I will be able to teach English around the world."

    I honestly hadn't thought about this, but how you've gotten me interested in researching this certificate too! Thanks for the tip. :)

    1. Miquella! Please treat yourself to a trip this summer, even if it's a small one. I honestly feel bad that your trip to France got delayed, and I admire your patience and positivity!

      Definitely! A TESOL degree comes in handy, methinks! Especially for us world travelers. :)

      I appreciate that you still follow up on my blog. Thanks so much! :)

