Wednesday, August 14, 2013

You travel, you learn

Now that I am back home from Korea for about three days now, I have reflected a lot about my time there. It was my goal to be productive this summer, and as of yet I have accomplished more than just being productive; I've grown in many ways, met new people, experienced a different culture and embarked on a new territory in a region I have always wanted to go.

Although Korea did not feel like a complete culture shock, much of what I experienced justified the other culture I was raised by - Asian culture. I am not Korean, but some of the traditions (not all) are similar to Vietnamese. Getting to experience a non-Westernized country (although slowly becoming) was beneficial for me. Spending two months in Korea taught me many lessons. This summer (brace yourselves, I'm about to get a bit personal!) I realized that I was ditching my own 'kind of people'.

I make friends with anybody, regardless of their ethic background, but I always knew I was never part of an Asian community (which is one of the reasons why I went to Korea). I don't know why; maybe it was because I was raised in a dominating Hispanic community, but still, I never put the effort into making Asian friends. It irritated me sometimes because let's be honest, a lot of Asians in America group up with each other all the time and it sometimes confused me because it didn't seem open-minded. Little minded as I was, I realized all people with similar backgrounds group up together because  they don't feel a loss of identity like I do, and therefore they could relate to each other. Diversity is a great thing, but it's also always nice to be around people who grew up in similar lifestyles and traditions as you. Otherwise, you'd feel lost.

With that, I realized that I wasn't accepting myself. I believe I have Westernized myself so much that I forget to appreciate the valuable things that I should be grateful for - my family, my dual culture (or triple + British) and the traditions I grew up with - they should be embraced.

There are changes that I want to make in my life now and I want to be able to embrace and accept all that I am, as cheesy as that sounds. Making the most of what you have is the best way to live, isn't it? I do not and in no way have the intention on being racist or am I trying to bash on my own culture - for my whole life I have been very proud of my ethic background. I guess I should say, being brought up in two different cultures while having the Westernized, individualistic society dominating my sense of direction can get frustrating. Which in ways is funny because I can get pretty bitter about American culture and miss my life in Britain very much...let's just say that identity is a complex thing. It isn't about finding out who you are; it's about what you create in your life. And for me, thus far, my identity is a combination of all these things, whether I will figure them out or not, this is who I am. 

So thank you, Korea for helping me realize all of this. I've made such great friends with new people and have made stronger bonds with friends I've known in my life longer. This summer was one huge benefit for me and I will forever be always grateful for it.

And now, I will end with a video of this summer at Dankook, made by one of my wonderful students, Subin :)

To the next adventure ahead, this blog will always be updated :)


  1. Hi linda:>)
    I am truly thank you for everything you've tought me during the summer semester. I felt like you're my sister. I miss you so much. Especially, your reaction such as 'eua!!!!!' Kk.
    Love you linda my friend!

  2. This was so wonderful to read Linda. :)

